Continuous glucose monitoring: how it's advancing diabetes care


Continuous glucose monitoring: how it's advancing diabetes care

Published: January 2022

Gone are the days where a type 1 diabetes diagnosis meant a lifetime of finger pricking and injections. Today, almost half of the 4 million Americans living with type 1 diabetes use devices called continuous glucose monitors, or CGMs, to monitor their glucose levels and regulate their insulin levels in real-time.

While uptake of CGM so far has been concentrated in the care of people with type 1 diabetes, CGMs are increasingly being prescribed to a much larger group – those 40 million plus Americans living with type 2 diabetes. And, as the market for CGMs grows — to a $5 billion market in 2021, by some estimates — so  too does the optimism that they will help manage the flood of unmanaged type 2 diabetes.

In our latest report, written by STAT’s Katie Palmer, we’ve gathered our best intelligence on the burgeoning industry of CGM, and where it’s likely to head next.

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