The ‘shroom boom’: The meteoric rise of the psychedelic medicine industry


The ‘shroom boom’: The meteoric rise of the psychedelic medicine industry

Published: Oct. 2021

Over the past 18 months, while most of us were distracted by the pandemic, the psychedelic industry exploded. Companies that had for years quietly pursued research and recruited investors went public. Dozens of startups launched. And venture capitalists began to pay serious attention.

An industry that a year ago had a market cap of less than $1B suddenly housed four companies that each individually had a billion-dollar valuation.

The potential of the psychedelics industry has never been bigger. Long-stigmatized drugs like esketemine, MDMA and psilocybin are advancing rapidly through clinical trials for treatments of a range of mental health conditions, and one in four people suffer from mental health disorders. But some serious barriers lie in the way. Our latest report, written by STAT’s Olivia Goldhill, explores the opportunities for growth in this nascent industry — and the regulations and patenting barriers that could stymie profit.  

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